Wednesday 28 March 2018

Travelling is passion with sacrifice

"Brother, why are you showing us that your life is better than us?" these are the lines of one of my facebook friend on my latest post about my travel.
So just after this I was like, Is it?? I am traveling a lot , exploring places and capturing moments. I am feeling like it's my job. Any traveller or wanderer who is going here and there, so it's not like they are on the vacation and they are getting a handsome amount to spend on their trips. Reality is very different. People who are working in corporate or anywhere , may be you always have work pressure and hectic schedule but at last you are getting a fix amount for your survival. A person who is not from a very rich family and have wanderlust, for them it's not that much simple. There is no sallery, no incentives and no security. Traveling is fun , yes but for those who meant for it. Do you remember your childhood or college days when you travelled somewhere? Do you remember those preparation, those bookings and all planning?? After that when you reached that place still you found there should be something more. Now let me tell you what is meaning of travelling like a backpacker?
There is no proper long planning, There is no previous bookings, No seats , mostly use of public transport crowded and dirty and you need to travel on that only because you don't have other options. Neither you have that much money nor you have time. I do remember lastly I visited a place in Uttar Pradesh (India) just before the festival of Holi. It was like impossible to enter the coach of train and I travelled in that. 14 hours ,was standing on a single place . Do you really think it was fun?? Obviously no, but still we do that if needed as we already decided to reach the place. Its like completing the target in corporate.
So you always need passion and enthusiasm either for your work or for your passion. Following your passion is even more difficult . A traveller travel not for money, not for fame but only for that passion .
I don't even have a job. I write, I click, I cover and I explore just because I love to do that.
"Passion is really important for your passion."


Sunday 18 March 2018

निर्माण स्वयं का

रिश्ते निभाने के लिए होते हैं, यह कोई रण भूमि नही है जहां अपने पराक्रम का प्रदर्शन किया जाए। आज के नव युग मे हमारी तकनीक जितनी गतिमान हो रही है हमारा आपसी व्यक्तिगत संचार तथा भावों का आवागमन छीण होता जा रहा।। हम अपने भौतिक व्यक्तित्वों का तो विकास कर रहे परंतु अपनी असल पहचान तथा छवि को घुमिल कर चुके हैं। आज हम चाहते है जब खुद को टटोलना , अपने आंतरिक मस्तिष्क तथा हृदय की गहराई को तो वहां निर्वात के सिवा और कुछ नही और जो कर रहा है बेचैन दिन प्रतिदिन हमारे जीवन को वह तो बाह्य उलझनों का वह बगीचा है जो प्रारम्भ में आकर्षक और मोहक लगता है, जिसमे स्वयं जकड़े पड़े हैं हम क्योंकि बीच मे पहुंचने पर अंधकार व्याप्त है ।।
निकलने का पथ सीधा है क्योंकि निर्माण तो स्वयं हमें ही करना है, आवश्यकता है तो बस प्रारंभ की।। बाहर तो दूर तक प्रकाश है , उतना ही जितना हमारे अंदर भी व्याप्त है बस वह भी ओझल है हमारी दृष्टि से उन जंगलों के कारण.. जिनसे निकास का द्वार हम स्वयं बनाएंगे।।


Saturday 3 March 2018


इससे ज्यादा मुश्किल दुनिया मे कोई काम नही
पर इससे बड़ी उसके लिए उसकी कोई पहचान नही।

रात रात भर जगती है वो खुद की नींद का ज्ञान नही
सच है ये औरत के लिए माँ बनना आसान नही।।

सारी दौलत कम है उसको सारे शौक भी फीके हैं
बच्चा खुश हो वही काम का बाकी सब कसीदे हैं।

अपनी भूख के आगे उसके बच्चे का निवाला है
सब कुछ वहां पर छोटा है जहाँ माँ का हवाला है।।

अपनी पूरी पहचान को यूं भूल पाना आसान नही,
हाँ ये सच है कि इस दुनिया में माँ बनना आसान नही।।


दुनिया की सभी माँओं को समर्पित।।

Thursday 1 March 2018

Holi is not a festival of Colours only.

Whenever we heard of "Holi" , colours and
Noices came in our mind. Red, yellow, green, blue , pink and so on, But Holi is not the festival of Colours only. Holi is the symbol of our Culture, Values and Rapport. In today's time when everyone is running for their own life and priority, this is the day when they atleast think about each other. Holi means festival of Humanity, love and harmony. Even today when politics of hate and communalism is everywhere, this festival still make us to believe in Unity in diversity. We forget about everything to hug and colour everyone. Those colour is for covering all the previous grudges and misunderstandings. Even so many people from other countries and Cultures came to India specially to celebrate this beautiful festival. Holi is not about only religion and community, it's about Humanity and Cultural unity.
So let's celebrate this great festival with love and heartiness.
Happy Holi to all. 💐


Way too long..

This way was too long
now it feel like it'll end soon
Wait, end like??
I am sure that will be the start of new journey.