Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Happy Women's day .. really ??

So today is the women's day. Just like me a lot of other will write and talk about women's empowerment and other women's right. People will give speeches, do rally and social media will be full of these type of posts like our society is full of intellectuals and social decent people who worked hard throughout the years and now on this day they will show their work.
Ladies, Girls and women ..  Don't give a damn to these rubbish posts, speeches and people's. They are no one to fight for you and your rights. Always remember its your life and its up to you that how do you wanna live it. Freedom and equality is yours too so please don't ask or beg for it.. its yours and depends on you that do you think its your or not? If you can not live equally and freely then no one can help you. This is the harsh truth and you have to believe it. So you should know and believe yourself .
One more thing , freedom and equality does not means looks like opposite sex and do exact the same thing. If you want to wear small clothes then it should be your choice don't do it just because society asked you not to do so. You must have answer for all those things that why you are doing this ?
Stay away from pseudo feminism and pseudo feminists. Live happily with your own choice not with your obstinacy. As here also its your choice you are reading this or not.. I am writing this because I wanted to write.

Happy Women's Day 😊👍

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