Our country is burning, somewhere fire setup by the people and somewhere by the fire of their hearts. Reservation, question of nationality, rallies-morcha, shouting etc only these things all arround. Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is our constitutional fundamental rights and we should use these but just take a look .. whats the situation of our country and society just because of the said "freedoms". Is this our freedom? Every one is opposing other, blaming each other is like vouge. I am agree with it , discussion and pointing out the faults or wrong things always helpful to make things better but doing the same just because one of our leader or group is doing this , is not correct.
Groups are of so many types: political, institutional, communal, religious, area etc but after trying so hard I did not found any HUMAN GROUP. The group which is simply a group of human being. where humanity is considered the utmost religion. Where no one is blaming each other without their self evolution, no one will shout and destroy premises on the name of reservation, no one follow other on their wrong path just because they are their leader or from their community. I know its a difficult task for us , where we are habitual of these things. In our country if opposition party will not critisize the other one then they are not doing anything. DO CRITISIZE OTHER ON THEIR WRONG WAY BUT APPRICIATE THEM TOO FOR THE GOOD ONE.
I am not from any political party, group, society or community. I am trying my best to go to that side which is difficult for us because we have to point out the loophole of our close one also.. but its neccessary for the real growth of country, society and humanity. so kindly be neutral and think twice before say against anything or join anyone.
Thousands of Army, Airforce and Naval person are protecting us and our country from outsiders but what if we, ourself will be the enemy of each other?? Every day some soldiers are being martyred so that we can sleep, live and breathe freely but we are destroying each other by ourself in the name of reservation, nationality and freedom of expression.
FREEDOM ALWAYS COMES WITH SOME RESPONSIBILITY so use freedom so that it will not affect the others, and this is for all .. who are showing their freeedom and others who are showing themself extra NATIONALIST.
I am using my freedom to write this and hope some of us can understand that THIRD SIDE is real side .. where humanity and constructive things are more important than destructive things.
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