Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Chinese Vs European Table Tennis

Table Tennis is a very technical sport and also needed quick reflexes and high fitness level. TT has a number of spins, shots and techniques , by using them properly and timely one can get points and win the match.
It seems that there the mainly two type of table tennis playing by professionals. One is Chinese way and another is European way. Obviously things are common in both the way but there is a difference in playing style. In Chinese style , fitness level is most prior thing. It means Chinese player believes in reaching the ball quickly and hit it as they want. There is a psychology that if you reach before the ball then you easily hit it in any way or direction according to need.
Another way of Table Tennis is European , In which they mostly focussed on techniques of strokes and placing of shot. In European style player try to play technically and believes in the shot which is difficult to pick or reach by opponent, means European mostly plays a mind game. It is like hit the ball after reading the game and assume about the next ball. European play the game with prediction and strategy . When they play the game then they always set it in a way that they know next ball will come in which area or what type of ball , most probably.
Of course China is on the top of the world of Table Tennis but there are so many legends from the European countries also.
Some outstanding Table Tennis players from Europe are Jan-ove waldner, Dimitrij, Samsonov, Werner Schlager , Persson, Michel Saive, Timo boll etc.
This list for Chinese player is more long. Some top Chinese Table Tennis players are Ma lin, Ma long, Wang liqin, Zang Zike, Xu Xin , Wang Hao , Ding Ning, Lio Guoliang and many more.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Choosing raquet in Table Tennis

Table Tennis is one of the fastest growing sport across the globe. It is a game of technique and physical fitness but racquet is also very important part of the game. Professional table tennis racquet is normally assembled, which is combination of a blade and two rubber. One rubber is on forehand one is on backhand. Basically one rubber is red and one is black. Choosing a correct combination and choice for forehand and backhand rubber is very important.
Every player has a different playing style and game technique. Some player mostly depends on power game , some player believes in control game and some are of mix type. So choosing the correct blade and rubber according to game style and need is necessary.
These days thousands of blades and rubbers are in the market, easily available so player get confuse between the famous name and various choices which is a big problem for them. A player should understand his/her playing style and need. In some case coaches also help them for choosing the correct combination of racquet. For example, If a player is playing a controlled game then obviously their priority should be a rubber and blade of controlled speed. Not only this , one also must know about their backhand and forehand. If a player attack from their forehand and only place the ball from backhand then they must have a speed rubber on forehand and control rubber on backhand, so that they utilise their technique properly from the suitable equipment.
Their are also pimpled rubbers available and player mostly use this rubber on backhand for defense purpose and fast attacking rubber on forehand for powerful attack.
Blades also have very important role in table tennis game. Various of blades available some are carbon layer blade, some are of wood only and some are of different woods. Every blade has different property, like caron layer gives blade more speed and where as combination wood gives more control. There are also layers of wood which is responsible for speed, spin and control of the blade. Also blades comes with different types of grips like AN, FL, ST and Pen Hold.
So at professional level a suitable racquet can boost your game where as a wrong combination becomes a resistance. Always be careful and research properly before choosing a racquet in table tennis sport.  

Monday, 19 December 2016

Table Tennis is a brain game

Table Tennis is a game where a player need to be very quick.. This quickness is not about physical fitness only but mental also. During the rally one get a time less than half second and in this very short duration player has to decide what to do , where to do and how to do??
So first decision comes after that only stroke will work properly.
So use of brain in table tennis is very important as whole game is depends on your strategy and planning. When two player of same level plays then only the one who use brain properly will win. Table Tennis is a mind game in many ways :-

Service :-
When its your serve then think properly and plan accordingly that which serve to do? What will be the possible returns? What will you do next? Which area of the table is suitable for service and which spin you have to use?
These all  things you must decide before every service.

Receiving a service properly is also a very important part of table tennis otherwise you'll loose the point. Use your brain for reading the service properly like which service is this, how to receive, which area of table , length of receiving and open it or return it with chop?
These are the important points you have to look before every receiving.

In between the rally , your brain plays an important role to convert it in a point. How to hit the ball, quality of topspin, speed or spin of the ball and opponents forehand or backhand etc. These are the important things to understand in between the rally for taking the point.

Tactics is the over all planning of your game and reading the opponents game accordingly.
Try to play always at week point of opponent and know about your strong point like if your forehand is stronger than your backhand and opponent's forehand is weaker then try to hit the ball with your forehand to opponent's forehand. Other game planning is also comes under the tactics.

So as table tennis is very fast game in which you need to be physically fit but also your mental fitness is important to become a successful table tennis player.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

First Table Tennis Players with seven Olympic Participation

Table Tennis is an Olympic sport. Every professional player once in their career dreamt about the Olympic Participation, which is a great achievement in itself. To become an Olympian you must be very good not only in your country but in world of table tennis also.
So many table tennis player achieved this crown and still counting. Some player were lucky to has this opportunity two-three times. As you know Olympic Games is an event which held after every four year, so to participate in Olympic several time you need to play a very long professional Table Tennis and also give result at world level.
Exceptions and legends are everywhere .. There are three legends in table tennis who participated in seven Olympic Games.. Yes, you read is correct.. Seven Olympic Games (interval of minimum 28 long years) . These legends defeated the age factor, luck, injuries and so many resistance to achieve it. These outstanding Table Tennis players are:-

1. Jörgen Persson

He is a Swedish Table Tennis Player, born on 22nd April 1966.
Persson represented Sweden in every Olympic Games from when table tennis was introduced into the Olympic program in 1988 until 2012.
He also won the four Table Tennis World Championship Title in Team and once in Singles.

2.  Jean-Michel Saive

Jean born on 17th November 1969 in Belgium. In 1985 he was ranked best player in Belgium, a place which he kept until 2011 without interruption. He also became world no. 1 in 1994.
He also participated in seven consecutive Summer Olympic Games, from 1988, when table tennis became an official Olympic sport in Seoul, to 2012 in London. He was awarded the UNESCO World Award of Fair Play in 1989.

3. Zoran Primorac

Primorac is a Table Tennis Player from Croatia. He born on 10th May 1969 in Yugoslavia (later divided). 
Like Michel Saive and Persson, Primorac is also First Table Tennis Player participated in seven Olympic Games.
Primorac is 1993 and 1997  Table Tennis worldcup winner.
Primorac is one of the best European Table Tennis Player from last 25 years.

So, these three are the First players with most number (7) of Olympic Games participation in Table Tennis.

4. Segun Moses Toriola, is also a Table Tennis player from Nigeria who participated in Seven Olympic Games.
His fifth Olympic appearance in 2008 made him the first Nigerian man to appear at five Olympics.
Toriola sealed his place at the Rio Olympics,2016 after recording a big win in his qualification event held in Khartoum, Sudan.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Improve Fast in Table Tennis

Table Tennis is a game of mind and fitness both. If you think your game is not improving or improve rate is very slow, then of course this article will help you.
So, there is a question always came in mind.. Whats the reason that some player give result fast and some take a lot of time or playing really good but unable to give the result??
So here is some important points by which a professional table tennis player surely will improve fast and properly.. These are the principles of Table Tennis by applying it in your training routine you'll be up quickly.

1. Focus on FEELING

Feeling is the first principle in table tennis. Feeling improve the percentage of your shot, control of your game and confidence in your game.
Best way for the feeling in table tennis is do multi ball by your self. Continuously hit the ball by tossing yourself. Sometimes counter , some time push or chop. Do this with 150-200 balls continue at a time . Just try to feel the contact of ball-racket and force you are applying. 
If you start feeling , then automatically some percentage of your game level goes up.

2. Hit by the 'Legs'

The second principle which specially Chinese recommended is hit the ball by your legs. It means use your legs and whole body to play a shot. Any shot will be more powerful and accurate if it'll be hit by the use of legs and whole body not only with the arms.
Arms are just the tool to transfer the power to the ball, your legs and body is responsible to generate the power.

3. Fix the hitting position
This is one of the important principle of professional table tennis. So many player from us focussing on the ball and at the point where we contact the ball, but focus to the point where we are hitting the ball is also very important.
So next time when you'll be on the table then also try to focus on the hitting position or point.

4.  Relax, Explode and Relax

Another important principle in table tennis to improve fast is "relax, explode and relax". It means always be little more aggressive at the time only when you are going to contact the ball or hitting the shot.
Don't be in too much tension during the match or practice, always try to relax your mind in between the two strokes. It will be a very quick process during a fast rally but you'll learn if try it Evey time and with every stroke. It will give a dynamic change in your game and strokes.

5. Tactics in Table Tennis

Tactics is very important to win the match and at every point of Table Tennis. If you want to improve fast in table tennis then you should learn the tactics which means you understand and read the opponent's style and the game. You'll understand by tactics that where to hit the ball i.e. on forehand, middle or backhand, which stroke is more suitable and what will be the length of your shot on the table.
Every thing related to the study of game to understand the weakness of opponent and your strength is your tactics. 

So above principles are useful and key points to improve fast in table tennis. As I already mentioned , Table Tennis is a game of mind and strength simultaneously so you have to work on both to learn the table tennis properly and professionally. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Amazing Movies on Table Tennis

Now a days , Mass media is the most important source of knowledge and information and movies are the best type of it. We can see that directors, writers and cinematographers are working hard all around the globe to make movies on sports. As so many sports are already in this category on which so much works or movies are there. Table Tennis is not away from this as there are also some fantastic movies on Table Tennis for the lovers of this mind blowing sport.

1.     Balls of Fury

Balls of fury is an american movie released in 2007. Its a comedy movie but whole story of the movie was around the table tennis sport. You'll see mysterious shots and tricks which do not belongs to the real sport but obviously this movie show you the passion, dedication and emotion attached to table tennis in a very comic way. Balls of fury is one of the most watched table tennis related movie and full of entertainment .

2. As One

As One is very creative and full of emotion movie based on true events. This is a Korean movie released in 2012. As One is the story of post war , when North Korea and South Korea Table Tennis Team Participated in major event world table tennis championship as a unified Korea team.
Basically this movie is based on the story of  Ri bun-hui from North Korea table tennis team and Hyun jung-hwa from South Korea table tennis team. Always they played in the world tournaments as a strong opponent but both countries decided to make a unified team of 'Korea' then these player forget all their personal anger and criticism and show the amazing team work . Their hard work and dedication worked and finally Korean Team defeated the strongest team China in world table tennis championship 1991 final and won gold medal.
This movie is full of sports sprit, hard work and dreams. As this is based on the story of real players and event so all professional players can connect with this movie.

3. Ping-Pong

This is also a full of entertainment and emotional work. Ping-Pong is a famous Movie from Japan released in 2002. This movie nominated for eight Japan's academics awards in 2003.
Ping-Pong based on the story of two friends who joined school table tennis team. Both of them were hard working and dedicated but they were not the best and defeated by other players in the tournaments. After that they started working more hard . In between this one player from China hired by opponent's so that no one can defeat him. One of the friend played with that Chinese player in inter school tournament and defeated strongly by 21-0. This broke him but he still had dreams and passion . He forget about everything and practised for hours under his coach for some time . After that in next tournament he defeated the Chinese player in first round and other strong player 'Dragon' in semifinals, even after the injury.
At last both friend were able to full fill their dreams , one of them played professionally in some European countries also and other started teaching table tennis professionally.
Ping-Pong movie is full of inspiration and teach us that "no defeat is final until you stop trying" .

These were the movies fully based on Table Tennis Sports , but some other movies are also in which table tennis is included in the story line. 'Forest Gump' and 'Top Spin' movies are also of the same category.

Weight loss tips for everyone

5 Ways To Weight Loss

No one of us wants a tummy which anyone can see before your face.
Now a days as our life style is changing, problems are also increasing. Making our self fit is a big task and over weight is a very common problem which is making us unfit.  
Now what?? Is it possible to weight loss?? Is Weight loss is a tough task?? How can we make weight loss as easy as doing our favourite work??
A lot of questions comes in mind when we started thinking about weight loss.
So Here are some very normal and easy way which helps you in weight loss and keep you fit.

1. 10 minute Exercise

Time management is very important in our fast lifestyle. We don't have enough time to go to gym or hours for jogging and running.
Just go to your terrace or some open area and stretch and move your body parts normally but continuously for just ten minutes daily. It will helps in the proper circulation of blood and working of all body parts including your digestion system . Only 10 minutes daily exercise will make you more active and helps in the weight loss.

2. Fruits and Vegetable in Meals

Dieting and stop eating is not a permanent solution for weight loss. So start eating more vegetables and fruits in your meal. You can take it in the form of salad with your meal also. These fruits and vegetables full of Fibers definitely helps in the weight loss.

3. Avoid water at least for 40 minutes after meal

Intake of water just after the meal creates problem in proper digestion and which become a problem in many way. So if you want weight loss then just say no to water for 40-45 minutes after finish your meal.

4. Drink more water daily

Avoid water just after the meal only but increase drinking more water everyday. More water will helps you in many ways. It will strong the metabolism and also helps in the fat digestion which finally helps in the weight loss.
At least drink 3-4 liter water everyday which keep you refresh and also fit.

5. Take Proper Sleep

Other things will help you in weight loss if you'll get a proper sleep. Proper sleeping habit surely make you more fit and active. Sleep plays a very important role in our weight loss so at least take a sleep for 7-8 hours everyday.

These are the very simple but important ways which plays a very vital and important role in weight loss.. So try it from today and make yourself fit, active and happy.

Most General Tips For Hair Care

General Tips for Hair Care anyone can follow easily:-

Winters are arriving, and with this hair problems are also increases. Our hair needs extra care in winters so here are some useful tips for your hair care.

1. Conditioner of your hair type

Only using a conditioner is not enough but using a good conditioner according to your hair type is more important for hair care. So first recognize your hair type like dry, oily or normal and use conditioner accordingly .

2. Deep Conditioning is also important

Conditioning of your routine wise is good for hair care but once in a few week , deep conditioning gives your hair extra shine and smooth. For that you have to put the conditioner on your hair (including roots) and wait for 10 min. to 40 minutes and wash your hair after that. This simple thing for hair care gives you extra smooth, bouncy and shiny hairs.

3. Try to dry your hair naturally

After washing your hair always wrap them with some cotton T-shirt or some other soft cloths. Always try to dry your hair naturally and avoid the use of hair dryer or blowers as they damage your hairs and make them rough. Naturally dry hairs are best for hair care.

4. Hair loves Olive oil

In winters, olive oil is very useful for hair care. Warm little amount of olive oil and massage  it in your hair's root and everywhere. Olive oil give nourishments and good for better blood circulation. So always use olive oil for hair care in winters routinely.

5. Our food is Best for Hair Care

Other Food is basic thing which is essential for hair care as most of the nutrients our hairs get from our foods. So always eat healthy and nutritious for hair care. 
Things you can include in your food for hair care:-
Chicken, fish, dairy products, egg and milk for protein.
Chicken,fish, spinach, broccoli and other green vegetables for Iron.
Kiwi, oranges, blueberries and sweet potato for Vitamin-C.
Carrot and orange/yellow colour vegetables for Vitamin-A.
Almonds and nuts for Vitamin-E.

These are the very basic but useful tips for Hair Care , every one should follow and make hairs more smooth, shiny, strong and attractive.


Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Dimitrij Ovtcharov : Strong European Table Tennis Player

When we talk about table tennis , China's name came in mind first as so many legends are from China and Chinese players are toughest and meant strongest. As China is dominating in world table tennis but still some European player  giving them strong competition and proving them self.

Dimitrij Ovtcharov is one of the best European name in Table Tennis , who's a strong contender and giving fight to top Chinese players. Dimitrij is German Table Tennis player who won one Silver and Three Bronze medals in Olympic games. He is best known for his devil back hand service and amazing playing techniques. Currently Dimitrij Ovtcharov is world rank no. 6 and European Rank no. 1.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Table Tennis : Chess and Athletic Simultaneously

There are no. of sports in the world . Some plays with mind , some with physique but very few of them, where you need all. 
Table Tennis is a game where you have to use your brain, understand the ball, see the position of opponent, reach the ball, think about your shot and hit the ball with control and speed simultaneously ....... These all you have to do in fraction of second.. If you stuck at any one of them or your calculation and fitness do not work properly then you won't be able to play your shot and may be you'll loose. 
So its better to understand that table tennis is a sports where you need a sharp brain with athletic physique and fitness .. But yes these two are not enough to become a champion. Now you need hard work, dedication and passion.  

Silence has words

She didn't say anything,
I asked so many times.
Questions were remains unsolved,
As just hold the glass without tasting the wine.

Conversation ended with silence as started,
No words and no thought were in mind.
She didn't even say a bye or good night,
Next day I just found a lipstick mark near key of no. 9........


Friday, 2 December 2016

First Morning Ray

Early in the morning
I wander here and there,
A cup of tea in my hand
My brain is without any fear....

Rays are still not out
Sky is not that much clear,
Nothing is in my mind
A blank person is very rare....

Sudden a thought came
Do life also have any gear?
Like vehicles going with speed
Will it also be cheer?

What I am doing here?
What I will do there?
Storm of questions now following..
I have to search it here & there......